"Playing football with your feet is one thing, but playing football with your heart is always much, much, better ..."
#106 of Greatest Footballing Quotes
A very warm welcome to the brand new Dovery Down FC season!
Here you can find information for our club, who we are and other details of our matches, training and related activities. If you are a parent / supporter of the club or just generally interested in finding out more about us, you will be able to access various resources to help you keep up to date with club news, activities and our schedule of events throughout the season.
After a successful season last year, we are kicking off the new season with a few new coaches and are looking to run bigger and better events, more matches and have more fun! We continue with the new team wear and club sponsor introduced last season to further develop club spirit and identity among all those who are involved on and off the pitches.
​We look forward to training with our fantastic group of young football players so we can build upon the excellent performance of previous years and also looking forward to meeting new joiners to the club.
See you all at kick-off...

Player Footwear and Shin Guards
Could parents of all participating players please ensure that they wear suitable footwear and shin protectors when they participate in training and match events to help us reduce the potential for injury.
Updates to Club Code of Conduct
It is essential that all players, coaches, parents and guardians, understand and agree to the expetations outlined in the club's Code of Conduct as this forms a key provision of our insurance cover.