Mentmore Road, Leighton Buzzard
The all weather 3G pitches that we normally use are located at the back of Tiddenfoot Leisure Centre and Cedars School located on towards the Linslade side of Leighton Buzzard. There is normally plenty of onside parking at the facility howevers parents are advised to arrive ahead of the scheduled kick off times as often there will be several teams in attendance and sometimes, the better parking ocations will be taken. Additionally arriving earlier will allow you to familiarise yourselves with the facilities, toilets etc and give your children time to warm up before the start of the matches. The 3G is not Astro Turf so metal studded, bladed or other softground boots are not allowed to be used. It is also advisable for players to wear jogging bottoms or other long sports trousers as the synthentic grass can cause scratched to skin if excessive sliding is practiced.
Leopold Road, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
Linslade Lower School has limited parking on street where the school is situated so it is advisable for parents travelling by car to park on the adjacent and surrounding roads off Soulbury Road to avoid causing disruption to local residents and potentially becoming blocked in. It is recommended that players arrive in plenty of time to get together with their respective teams and to ensure that they know where they will be playing. Although Linslade has a relatively small field, tournaments played there involved a lot of local schools and a lot of rotation between their two pitches so it is easy for players to lose track of where they are supposed to be and when. Normally, club coaches will arrive in plenty of time to set up a meeting point for all players from their respective squads. If you are unsure, please speak to your squad coach before hand.
Heath Road, Leighton Buzzard
Heathwood Lower School is a little further up Heath Road from Dovery Down Lower School on the opposite side of the road. The main entrance to the school is found off Cotefield Drive, however, there is very limited parking on the school site and normally the gates are not open during matches and tournaments. The recommendation is that people travelling by car park on the surrounding roads but please bear in mind that the highway code is expected to be adhered to so please avoid causing obstuction for cars parked in drive ways etc. Alternatively park along Heath Road and walk the short distance to the pedestrian gates for the school. When we play Heathwood, we normally schedule according to year group to reduce the likelihood of excess traffic so please speak to your squad coach to confirm timing for start, warm ups etc.
Bideford Green, Linslade, Leighton Buzzard
Southcott Lower School is situated on the part of the Bideford Green estate which is located closest to Soulbury Road - its grounds border this road. Normally there is no parking open on the school site as they have limited access. The recommendation is that people travelling by car park along Bideford Green if you arrive early enough or on the surrounding roads like Knaves Hill, Chestnut Hill etc. Please avoid parking along Soulbury Road as this is a main access road into and out of Leighton Buzzard and is therefore normally busy with road traffic. When parking along Bideford Green please be mindful of drive way access as there are low curbs along there and it isn't always easy to see where drive ways start. If you are in any doubt please speak to your squad coaches and they will advice you on where to park up according to the start times for your squad.
Pulford Road, Leighton Buzzard
Pulfords Lower School is located near the centre of Leighton Buzzard town, near All Saints Parish Church. Normally we will play out matches on the Leighton Middle School fields which Pulford Lower School backs onto and make use of. There is very limiited parking near the school and cars are normally not allowed onto the fields. The recommendation is that people travelling in cars park in the town at a convenient location or use the multi-story car park as the school is a quick walk from there. It is advisable that players only wear their boots when they arrive on the fields to avoid studs slipping on the pavements during winter months. Due to the spacious nature of the Leighton Middle School fields, events hosted by Pulfords tend to have several schools attending at the same time, so while there hasn't been any issues with parking, it is advisable to arrive early.
Bassett Road, Leighton Buzzard
Mary Bassett Lower School is located in the centre of Leighton Buzzard town opposire the multi-story car park on West Street. Parking in the school is very limited and normally the gates are not opened for matches. The best option is to park in the multi-story car park and then use the pedestrian crossing to get across West Street. Once across the road you will see Mary Bassett's playing field clearly behind a green fence. The gates to the field are normally locked so entry can only be accessed via a foot path which takes you to the front of the school. You can find this foot path to the side of the field gate. It is only a couple of hundred yards from the gate to the front of the school. If in doubt ask someone on the field for directions. Please refrain from climbing over the gates or the fence and take care when walking along or across West Street as it is a busy main road.
Johnson Drive, Leighton Buzzard
The new Astral Park Sports facility is located in the Sandhills Estate off Billington Road heading towards the A505 / A4146 roundabout. This new site has plenty of onsite parking and is situated on the main fields in the estate. Normally only larger tournaments and other recreational events are held here and the attendance tends to be large. Such events are normally organised and run by teams like Leighton Town Football Club as a special or other charity event. There is normally an onsite store selling hot and cold drinks as well as hot and cold food, snacks etc. With such large events it is recommended that you speak to your squad coaches to get details of meeting times and meeting points so that children can be managed and supervised appropriately as they move around the event grounds between the organised events and activities.