... we are a club run by parents for children and parents to enjoy playing football ...
LEARN, PLAY and ENJOY - three things which form the core of what we are all about as a club.
We are a school / youth football club created by parents and run by parents for our children to enjoy the game of football with a long, successful history of providing football orientated extra-curricular activities for our children in support of their formal schooling at Dovery Down Lower School.
We provide an environment orientated towards developing a child's footballing abilities with emphasis on improving tactical awareness, self awareness, stamina, agility and team work with a bias towards achieving these characteristics, skills and experiences in a fun, safe and caring environment.
You don't have to be the next budding Messi or Rooney to join the club. In fact you don't even have to be able to play football at all when you start. We ecnourage children of all abilities to join in and we are always privileged to see our players develop their skills over time.
Being avid football enthusiasts - whether as players and/or supporters we also encourage participation from parents of our players in the running, operation and development of the club - in fact the managers of the Club could not operate it without the outstanding support of community of parents.
Full membership is open to any pupil of Dovery Down Lower School from class Years 1 to 4. There is a small enrolment fee which is payable per season and our seasons mirror the academic year to make things simple. Reception Year pupils are invited to try our club out during their year to see if they like it. No fee is payable for Reception Year, however, players are expected to be equiped properly to minimise risks of injury.
All players in Years 1 to 4 are required to use proper football boots and shin pads during training and match events while Reception Year player are encouraged to do the same however, we do recognise that it may take a while for children to get into the activities before committing to dedicated boots and pads. If you are in need of advice please speak to a coach or read our Guides for more details - we also have a stock of pre-owned boots which may be borrowed.
When players become full time members of the club from Years 1 to 4, they will receive customised Joma teamwear which will have the club logo, and a personalised number and name on the back (player's choice). We are among a small number of local clubs to provide customised clothing as we believe this gives our players a sense of pride in the team and being part of it. This clothing will be the player's to keep and wear for all match events. Reception Year will be provided with teamwear at each match event. Additional teamwear and other club clothing can be purchased via our suppliers if spare clothing is required or parents wish to wear the same style of sports clothing as our players.
The Club is run on a voluntary basis, with club managers and coaches being drawn from the parents and guardians of its players / members. Any parent or guardian of a full membership player is able to join and volunterre their time informally or formally as a member of the committee or as a coach to help run and develop the Club.
If any parent or guardian wishes to donate their time to help out, please speak to an existing coach or contact the existing committee via the club email.
During school term time, the Club normally trains on Saturday mornings on the Dovery Down playing fields. We have a range of our own equipment which is used to run training drills etc. We will also occasionally train at away locations like the 3G Pitches in town to provide variations of surface.
During inclimate weather the ground on the Dovery Down playing fields may have become frozen and would therefore be unsafe for children to use - risk of injury from falling and improper grip from boots etc. In such eventualities the Club may opt to re-locate training to another facility or training may be cancelled for that day. We will always endeavour to inform parents in plenty of time.
All of our coaches are CRB / DBS checked by assessors appointed by Dovery Down Lower School and we abide by the school's child safeguarding policy. We also subscribe to and promote the school's Vision and Values. In addition, all of our coaches are encouraged to obtain official FA Coaching and First Aid qualifications.
Click here to view ALL Dovery Down School Policies.
Click here to view ALL Dovery Down Vision & Values.
All Squads are led by at least one senior coach who has been with the club for more than one season and is familiar with training methods, club operations and activities. The coaches of each squad will work with the parents of their players to get the most from them and regular dialoque is encouraged between parents and coaches to ensure we do the best for our players.
In addiiton to the management team and coaches this club is supported by a loyal and extremely important set of parents who volunteer their time to help out in various aspects of our activities. At each training event and match day we are extremely lucky that we are supported by a Refreshments Stall run by parents and friends of the club to provide drinks and snacks for all who attend. These groups of dedicated friends volunteer their time tirelessly to enable the coaches to focus on the players. Without volunteers like this, the club would not be the success that is has become. To find out more about how you may be able to help the club click here, speak to a coach or visit the refreshments stall.
In accordance with the policies and principles of child care established by Dovery Down Lower School, the Club takes the well being and safety of our players very seriously. To achieve this the Club management monitors all aspects the grounds, equipment and player health.
If we feel at any time that something may cause injury or be the cause of degrading health to one or more players, parents, supporters, spectators or coaches we will stop acivities until they can be resolved. A medical kit is maintained at our training site for minor injuries and ailments.
If your child suffers from any recurring medical condition please ensure your squad coaches are aware of it and any remediations in the event of an occurance of the condition during matches or training. In all eventuality your coaches will consult with with parents / guardians before taking action.