Whilst we do our best to keep the Events page up to date some details may occasionally be out of date - training typically starts at 9:00am on a Saturday morning (currently) at Leighton United FC whilst the pitch issues at Dovery Down are resolved.
In the event details change we will endeavour to update all parents via their respective Whats App Year Group Chats.
Event Types




Friday, November 22, 2019
Annual Christmas Ball
Join us for an unforgettable evening of great food, live music, Entertainment, Laughs (oh, and alcohol)
Our Annual Black Tie (Adult Only) Christmas Ball will be the highlight of everyone’s social calendar, primarily aimed at raising funds for much needed equipment and kit for Dovery Down Football Club but equally a night to bring all parents and friends of not only Dovery Down Football Club but also Dovery Down Lower School and the Community together for a Christmas Party to remember...
Guests will be welcomed with drinks on arrival at 7:00pm and be guided into the private 'Jean Dawson Lounge' on the first floor of the Golf Clubs main building. Guests are encouraged to make use of the private bar before being seated at their respective seats and tables by 7:30 for the beginning of the night’s entertainment.
After the initial entertainment a 4-course meal will be served to all guests, after which the live 4-piece band will play covers from the past few decades ensuring everyone has a great time (and maybe even a little boogie). The last set will end at 12:30, just as the bar closes, with the night drawing to a sensible end at 1:00am.
Tickets cost £60 per person - Please RSVP to club@doverydownfc.co.uk or speak to a Dovery Down FC Coach by 1st November
Payments can be made using the following bank details
Sort: 20-03-18
Account: 10659665
Reference: Please use the word BALL then your first INITIAL + SURNAME (e.g. "BALL JBloggs)
If you have any questions please speak to a DDFC Coach (Sophie Wisdom, Matt Johnson or Warren Turner) or email club@doverydownfc.co.uk
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Bring a drink in a plastic bottle and any desired snacks to keep players hydrated / fueled up - not all venues will have refreshments - if in doubt ask your squad coaches and they will help.
If you are unable to attend an event please let your coaches or the managers know ASAP - some matches require a minimum number of players on each side to make an effective game.
Check the weather conditions on the day and have appropriate clothing - most venues will be open playing fields with little shelter available.
It may be appropriate to car share to some venues due to limited parking.