Last season we introduced the Weekly Performance Award to recognise the efforts, actions, behaviours and conduct of our players during training and match events. It was originally conceived as a trial to add some addtional fun to our weekly activities.

However, the coaches also wanted to encourage our player to try their best and to promote improvements in learning on a week on week basis. The awards were handed out at the end of every weekly session and kept by the nominated player for a week before being returned so it could be awarded out again.
After discussion among the coaches we have unanimously agreed to continue with this award for this season also as we saw how our players really took to the idea and really worked to achieve their best.
The criteria for the Weekly Performance Award is as follows:
The award is given the player that has performed the best overall during each week's activities. This doesn't mean the player that scores the most goals, or who was the fastest or the most agile or even the best overall footballer. The award is decided upon by the coaches of each squad on their judgement of how the player has done within the bounds of their own abilities.
Did the player conduct themselves well and did they treat other players with respect?
Did the player listen to instruction and did they apply it to the best of their ability?
Did the player behave correctly during the activity and did they pay attention?
Did the player improve upon their previous week and did they progress?
Did the player contribute to the activity or the success of the team as a whole?
Was the player a role model for others and did they demonstrate leadership?
Did they demonstrate clear understanding of what they were doing and why?
Did the player participate the whole time and did they work with team mates
Was the player helping themselves and others to develop their skills?
These criteria serve as guidelines for the coaching teams and will be adjusted / moderated per age group with differing weightings as player mature and develop.
Please note; these awards are for the players. They are not awarded round robin nor are they awarded simply for attendance at events. We want to encourage players to earn these awards and not to simply expect it - we have plenty of weeks for them to earn it. In the unlikely event that your child doesn't seem to be getting the award, we encourage parents to speak to their squad coaches to understand why and then to collaborate together to improve their chances by working on the areas that need improvement.