We have been made aware of recent articles in the newspapers and television raising concern about the safety of the rubber compounds used in modern artificial turf pitches like the Cedars 3G Pitches in Leighton Buzzard.
3G pitches are comprised of artificial grass matting typically laid over a base of sand and concrete. To create a softer feel under foot and to provide a more natural – grass like – surface texture and grip, these pitches also have small rubber pellets liberally sprinkled over the grass so that it settles between the blades to provide cushioning and bounce as players move over the surface.

Recent reports have implied that the rubber material used to make the pellets are linked to potential health scares in situations where the pellets have been ingested. However, no evidence of this has been proven and there are no known cases of anyone falling ill – assuming they somehow swallowed the pellets.
The Football Association has conducted regular testing since the introduction of artificial turf technology and the current tests that are performed for 3G type pitches are conducted to the same extremely strict standards as those applied to children’s toys.
Every pitch in the UK is registered with the FA so that they can perform regular testing and monitor facilities to ensure compliance against their standards. In addition any affiliated FA training facility must be certified at regular intervals and are expected to perform their own assessments in association with regular maintenance of the surfaces which includes refreshing of the pellets and grass matting.
An official statement has been issued by the management of the 3G pitches at Cedars School and we have attached it below for your to read through at our leisure. If you have any further questions or concerns please speak to respective coaching team for your year group or email us.
We take the safety of our players seriously and will always work to ensure their well being and health.
You can read an official statement from the management of the Cedars 3G facility by clicking on the link below: