We all know that time is precious... So that's why we appreciate all the support and dedication that our volunteer parents provide to help run the club and make it a huge success for the players.
We are a club of volunteers drawn from parents, guardians and friends of children attending Dovery Down Lower School. We have a shared passion for football and for seeing our children have fun as they develop skills, friendships and their own self belief.
We have all been there... It's Saturday morning and you are standing on the field watching your child play football with their friends. Think about it. You are up and wide awake anyway, and you are already outside in the glorious fresh air and you are at Dovery Down Football Club.
So why not consider volunteering to help ?
You may fancy yourself as a budding Alex Ferguson or Jose Mourinho (sorry to all non Man Utd or Chelsea fans!) or you may simply be in a position to help out on the Refreshments Stall or you may want to start by helping set up and pack away. Any help we get is always gratefully received.
Being part of the operation of the club gets you directly involved. You don't need any previous experience to be able to help out - having said that if you are an ex premier league football coach please do make yourself known to us - we're sure we'll have plenty of things lined up for you to do!!!
Seriously, if you would like to volunteer or would like to find out more, please contact us via our email, speak to a coach or speak to someone at the Refreshments Stall on Saturdays. Don't be shy.
Let's work together for our children...