... bring warm improves mobility and circulation ...
With cold and wet weather it is advisable to have additional layers of clothing available when performing active sports like football. The development of compression clothing has added technology into these additional layers which provide significant benefits over normal t-shirts etc and these advances are now available for juniors at reasonable prices which makes them recommended items for the kit bag. Normally made from proprietary blends of synthentic cloth materials, these types of garments have become synonimous with active sports and lifestyles.
01. Moisture Wicking
Most clothing classed as heat or compression gear will have some form of moisture wicking technology to remove sweat from the skin - thus keeping the wearer dryer. The process of removing water from the skin also enable this type of clothing to keep wearers warmer in winter and cooler in summer - especially when combined with active and passive venting in the clothing.
02. Compression Banding
Some makes of this type of clothing also incorporate panels and bands of elasticated material to help muscle extension and contraction during movement helping to reduce stress on the muscles, ligaments etc. These types of features also reduce the energy drain involved with strenous movements allowing wearers to be active for longer. For football this translated to more stamina being available for longer sustain periods of exertion.